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Timera Lios

Layer Name
Timera Lios
Layer Vibes
Fantasy, Escapism, High Adventure, Strength, Change
Approx. Inhabitant #:
Approx. Appearance Time:
The Land of Fantasy is a large layer, with mountains on the eastern end, a long river cutting through the middle to terminate in the ocean, a massive lake at the foot of the mountains, and a great deal of forest in the south. There are deserts to the west, and rolling grassy plains to the north. The inhabitants of this land are as varied as the land itself, mostly being sourced from high fantasy worlds, most notably including several ttrpg characters. Some of these residents are sourced from games the system has played in, others coming from podcasts or shows. Whatever the measure, the folks of this land are rather hardy, and tend to work together as much as possible, bringing their own individual strengths to bear on whatever problem has arisen next.
The Land of Fantasy acts as a place for folks to rest when they feel too high strung to do anything else. It gives a sense of safety to those who come to stay here, due to the combined strength and interconnectedness of the local residents. As well, for folks who come to stay due to feeling burnt out from fighting, even against intangible things like overload, they know that the folks here understand a good fight and are willing to have their backs so they can rest.