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The Between

Layer Name
The Between, The Wastes, Nowhere In Particular
Layer Vibes
Transience, Emptiness, Threats, Roaming
Approx. Inhabitant #:
Approx. Appearance Time:
The Between is a strange place, with a varied manifestation, but it usually appears as a wide open plain with sparse trees and rocks covered in yellow grasses. It extends in all directions, beyond where the eye can see, and is always lit with bright sunlight. The Between is eerily empty, a liminal space within our system. Closer to proper layers, it tends to appear as a foggy landscape, dense with rocks and roots to trip up the unwary.
Traversing the Between alone can be dangerous, as strange monsters, manifestations of fears and worries, wander the landscape, often attacking those that get lost. These monsters range from gigantic titans, akin to Kaiju, to small dog-sized creatures which usually hunt in packs. Due to the dangerous nature of the Between, most folks who travel between unconnected layers take transport created by the mechanical members of the system, or hire one of the wanderers who traverse the Between often to keep the number of threats down to escort them.
The Between serves many functions. It acts as a place for manifestations of fears and worries to wander where they won't be a major threat to members of the system. As well, it serves as a transitionary point for places that are two dissimilar to be linked easily. Several folks who prefer transitory living find their home in the Between. During conflicts it acts as a good buffer between aggressive parties, as well as a place where the fighting can happen without the chance of destroying everything used in the functioning of different layers. Due to the ephemeral nature of space in the system, it allows extra space for expansion, so that layers don't have to feel crunched. All these reasons and more leave the Between as a vital, if dangerous, space for the system.