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The Destructible City

Layer Name
The Destructible City
Layer Vibes
'break' rooms, safe expression of anger/frustration, the proper art of war
Approx. Inhabitant #:
Approx. Appearance Time:
The Destructible City is sectioned into two parts. One half of the Destructible City is a facsimile of a city, hollow buildings that are easily, and often, destroyed, alongside simple scenery that has no long-lasting ability. The other half lies across a river, a bustling main street full of businesses with a number of quaint homes stretching off from it, surrounded by lush scenery and bright colors.
The facsimile side of the Destructible City is centered around a large, imposing tower, shaped like a needle with a sideways oval at the top. The hollow buildings in the Destructible City are all themed off the buildings shown in the tv show Invader Zim, and several of the most iconic buildings from that series are known to show up at least 2 or 3 times.
Front Room
The Front Room for the Destructible City is in the top of the large, needleshaped tower. The top room of this tower, the large sideways oval, has windows all along the outer wall, with a large control panel like one might see in a scifi show spanning the entire inner wall. This control panel is used both as a way to access the Front and as a way to connect with other parts of the system through transmissions. The room has no proper seats normally, but different members in this room will manifest chairs they feel most comfortable with when they go to use the control panels.
The Destructible City acts as a place for members to get out their frustration and rage, being a safe backdrop for fighting and simply as a place they can go to destroy things without damaging the integrity of the layers in use. Many of the members of this layer have spent a lot of time figuring out how to release pent up emotions in the city without harming themselves or others, and are more than willing to help others who come to their city for that purpose.
Along these lines, the members of the Destructible City have also figured out ways to allow the system to 'go to war' so to speak with ourselves, without causing permanent harm to each other as we might have in the past. When times of great aggression between groups in the system crop up, the Destructites, as they call themselves, will show up to try and guide members of the system into getting their aggression out without causing direct harm to each other. Being able to guide the other members of the system through a war with no one getting hurt is the Destructites biggest pride.