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Member Name

Dib is a human child with a large head. He wears large glasses and has tall, black spiky hair in the style of all Membrane men. he usually wears a blue shirt with a grey alien face on it, a black jacket and black pants.
Dib is a very intelligent and excitable individual, often rushing about and making plans in his 'war' against Zim. Outside of the war, he and Zim often work together on making and improving several of the constructs they've created for their wars. Dib is almost always full of energy, and tends to almost get jittery if he doesn't have a project to work on. Dib usually helps Zim redirect its energy if it gets too overexcited during a 'fight', while Zim usually helps Dib calm down and take breaks instead of overworking himself on his myriad of projects.
Fun Facts
- Dib created a majority of the mechas safe for outsider use in the Destructible City.
- Dib once adopted a dog, but decided to give it to someone who didn't engage in the 'wars' of their layer very often because he worried he was neglecting it with his projects.
- Dib has made at least 3 communication prototypes that ended up getting adapted and implemented into larger communication systems throughout the rest of the system.