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Gaz has short, straight purple hair and wears a short black dress with striped gray sleeves, striped reddish leggings, black shoes, and a necklace in the shape of a skull. The most unique characteristics of Gaz are her hair and eyes. Her purple hair, resembling a stylized bob cut, is cubic and fashioned into five spikes, resembling a set of fangs or a mouth. Her eyes are seemingly set into a permanent squint, though on occasion she widens her eyes when deeply surprised or enraptured.
Gaz is very closed off and tends to lash out at anyone she percieves as annoying, which tends to be most anyone who's trying to talk to her outside her layer or change her mind on anything. Gaz spends most of her time using her Game Slave 2, which she's modified to allow her to control a number of the constructs used in the wars of her layer. Gaz doesn't normally like conversing with others outside of her system, almost viewing them as threats.
As the admin of the Destructible City, she has little tolerance for shenanigans in her layer. If people are behaving in a way that could be unsafe for others, they will swiftly find themselves locked out of the city. Gaz prizes her layer's reputation for being a place to safely release tensions, and she won't stand for anything that could endanger that.
Fun Facts
- While Gaz is considered an adult, she hasn't outwardly shown signs of aging.
- Gaz rarely travels outside of her layer, only doing such for emergencies.
- Though Gaz comes across as very abrasive and rude to those around her, those close to her know when her grumpiness is simply a shroud for her affection for others.

Gaz's beloved Game Slave 2