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Captain Jack Sparrow

Captain Jack Sparrow
- Barbosa - Complicated
- Elizabeth Turner - Friend
- Calypso - Complicated
Jack Sparrow is slightly above average in height, with tanned skin and long black hair that he wears in decorated braids. He usually has a closecropped mustache and beard. He's almost always seen wearing a brown tricorner hat and a long reddish-brown coat. He's usually wearing an off-white shirt and grey pants tied off with a red belt.
Jack Sparrow is an energetic figure, often seen bouncing from one thing to another. He's very enthusiastic about anything le's doing, even though few people ever fully understand what le's up to. Jack is generally supportive of those around lim, doing whatever he can to try and make sure folks are living their best lives - though his idea of what can help with that sometimes differs from their own.
Fun Facts
- While Jack may often come across as drunk to other people, he's usually just pretending because he finds it easier to get away with his plans if people think he's drunk.
- Jack has the ability to turn into his "zombified" form from the first movie at will, though he doesn't do it unless he percieves it as necessary because it "feels very odd".
- Jack once went behind the backs of other members of his layers to resurrect the god Mekhane to help Barbosa get a new body. [story article in the works!]