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Item #: SCP-57221
Class: Euclid
Containment Procedures: Containment procedures are in active creation. Please check this page regularly for updates. SCP-57221-1 and SCP-57221-2 are to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell. They are not permitted to be separated by more than 500 feet. SCP-57221-1 is to be kept on a pedestal in the center of the cell, obscured from the cameras and all observers. SCP-57221-2 is to be granted all requests within reason. SCP-57221-2 is to be referred to only by its written name, ;h3; within the presence of SCP-57221-1 or SCP-57221-2. Anyone attempting to refer to SCP-57221-2 by any other name is to be detained for questioning then administered amnestics. Anyone coming into visual contact with SCP-57221-1 for more than 5(five) seconds is to be detained as the new instance of SCP-57221-2. They are to be referred to on all documentation by a random string of characters deemed to be unpronounceable.
Description: SCP-57221-1 is a rectangular device the size of a college textbook. It appears mechanical in nature, but all who see it describe it as a "floppy disk book". Anyone who looks at the book for more than 5(five) seconds will come under SCP-57221-1's anomalous affect 24 hours after exposure.
SCP-57221-1 causes all information on an individual, including name, appearance, and history to be erased, being replaced with an amalgamated, nonsensical falsification that everyone interacting with the individual will believe. The prior scp-57221-2 instance will be found dead at the same time. It should be noted that any documents written directly about the individual within the 24 hour period between the exposure and the onset will be used to create the individual's new name.
Anyone who interacts with SCP-57221-2 will see SCP-57221-2 differently and remember different details about them. Any attempts to refer to SCP-57221-2 by a different name than the one they've been designated by SCP-57221-1 will result in distress from SCP-57221-2 and manifestation of strange phenomenon in SCP-57221-1's containment cell.