Warning! This page contains references to zombie-related things, such as gore, death, and cannibalism! If you are not comfortable with such topics, do not read this page! You have been warned!

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Tommy, The Zombie King

Tommy, Patient 0, Zombie King, Zommby, 0t
Edge of the Between near Timera Lios
- Apoc!Charlie - BFF
- Dark - Adopted Dad
- Technoblade - Main Protector
Tommy is a british teenager, about 18 years old. He stands at about 5'5", with pale skin and curly blond hair. Depending on his emotional state, his eyes range from green to red, often appearing at a midpoint with the upper half of his eyes red and the lower half green. He usually wears a long sleeved white shirt with red sleeves and a red collar, jeans, and red and white sneakers. He can often be found carrying his spear.
When Tommy goes 'feral', his eyes tend to change to fully red and the right side of his face below his eye turns green and rotten. In this state, his clothes usually appear stained with blood and viscera, and his teeth seem sharper than before.
Tommy is a general excitable person, with a tendency to bounce from idea to idea. He likes to get involved in projects, though he doesn't always have the focus to follow them through. He tends to have a macabre sense of humour, often making jokes about being a zombie and wanting to eat people, though he tries to tone it down unless he knows folks are ok with that sort of thing.
Occasionally Tommy will go 'feral', leaning more into his zombie aspects and hunger. During this time Tommy is generally disallowed from fronting, and will spend his time in the Wastes, out in the Between, fighting monsters and making NPCs into zombies until his hunger is sated. It is possible to reach Tommy in this state, and he'll generally reply coherently, but he will usually behave rather violently and have issues putting on a veneer of civility. It's not advised to try and contact Tommy in this state.
Fun Facts
- Tommy lives in a castle made of teeth, which he built himself. It's unknown where he got the teeth.
- Tommy was a host of the system from October 2022 - Late January 2023.
- Tommy is sourced from Slimecicle's 100 Days in a Hardcore Apocalypse video.