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Abe | The Detective

an image of Abe holding a magnifying glass and speaking to the camera. for a descripton of Abe see the later text.


Abe | The Detective


He/him | They/Them | Clue/Clues




The Voib


Abe is an adult human man with no hair and a short salt and pepper beard - not far past being stubble. Abe usually dresses in classic detective attire, often wearing a brown or black deerstalker hat and a brown trenchcoat. Beneath the trench coat he usually wears a white shirt and gray vest, brown pants with suspenders, and dark brown loafers.

Abe is a stocky individual with a rounder face, lending to a sturdy appearance. He's about 5'4", 5'5" tall. Abe usually has some kind of weapon on him, but they're notably always stage props, and completely harmless.


Abe is a generally friendly individual, though he can act a bit closed off at times. He has a tendency to move between different points of lucidity, each having their own effects on his personality. At his calmest and most lucid, he's very laid back and joking, often likening it to "being too tired to be stressed" and thus "finally having a good time".

The farther away from full lucidity he gets, the more paranoid and upset he becomes. When he's feeling noticably paranoid, he usually tries to avoid fronting because the outerworld has too many variables to keep track of. In general, however, if Abe is fronting and talking to people he's at least lucid enough to try and be friendly, and usually just likes to hang out with his sourcemates.

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