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Robot Dog
Gir usually appears as a green dog with black limbs and ears standing on two legs. Rob often has their tongue sticking out of their mouth. There are visible stitches along robs body, as well as a large zipper up robs chest.
Gir occasionally appears as a short silver robot with a bucket shaped head and pop-out blue eyes. Zir limbs appear to have lines wrapping around it in a similar fashion to a 'slinky', hinting at their ability to extend to disproportionate lengths. Gir also has what appears to be a post it note on their chest, though it strangely changes color with its eyes. On the top of Gir's head is a short antennae that ae can shorten down when needing to hide.
Gir is excitable and erratic, usually choosing to do whatever it wants in any given moment. It's plans are usually focused around finding or stealing whatever food it can. Occasionally it will team up with the other members of its layer in the 'wars' that occur, most often teaming up with Zim or Gaz, but it also has a tendency to go on it's own and mostly just spend the 'wartime' attempting to pillage as much food as possible from the others - though this isn't to say it doesn't end up leading it's own faction at times when they feel like going on a big heist in the middle of a war. In downtime, it tends to focus on spreading laughter and silliness through the layer and making sure any tensions caused by the fighting have been relaxed away.
Fun Facts
- Gir has the ability to carry a seemingly impossible amount of things within his head. (just like our system! /j)
- When Gir is left out of the 'wars', he tends to play a lot of pranks on people.
- Occasionally Gir will cater the 'after-war' parties, though not as often as other supporting members of the layer.

Gir's Favorite Food

Gir's robotic form